Shanghai Expo Coverage

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Publish Date: 2010
Category: China, Shanghai, Events Reporting, Op Eds, News

During my time at Shanghaiist, I wrote over 1000 posts across three years. I'm attempting to pick out highlights from that mass of words to showcase in this portfolio of writing samples.

I was on the Shanghai Expo beat both before and during the summer of the Expo 2010. Here is a selection of articles from that time.

What's the story behind the US Pavilion? It shouldn't be Clinton.

Excerpt: When we first read that New York Times article about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s support of the USA Pavilion effort here in Shanghai, something didn’t sit quite right with us. It’s not that the facts didn’t seem correct or anything – but almost no mention was made about why Clinton stepped in to raise money in the first place. Wasn’t there already a group of people meant to do that?

USA Pavilion hits top spot in poll, scares us about what’s to come

Excerpt: The good people at Ogilvy have polled the Chinese peoples and the results are out: Despite knowing almost nothing about the USA Pavilion (and maybe because of that), the Chinese want to check that out the most.

Three funny things about Hillary Clinton’s visit to the USA Pavilion

Excerpt: CNNGo has a article detailing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to the Expo over the weekend, of which I’ve picked the three little factoids I find the most funny. Like most things on this site that are USA Pavilion related, the type of funny they are leans towards that cringe-inducing Curb Your Enthusiasm-esque type of funny.

How to skip lines at the Expo: Pretend you’re handicapped

Excerpt: While the Expo Park organizers are now coming up with new  rules to try to curb the amount of “Fake Disabled” taking up the  grounds’ 1000 wheelchairs (of which they had naively thought would be an  oversupply already), they’ve run into a fundamental problem: what’s the  most humane way to get someone to prove to you that they’re actually disabled, especially when the whole world’s watching?

Excerpt: While looking for stuff on Youku, I stumbled on this trailer for a movie called 世博总动员. It translates to Expo Story, but it seems that the English name is Legend of Silk Boy. It’s a CG kid’s cartoon that seems to be based on the Expo

Wuhan man finishes 1200km swim to Shanghai Expo in 33 days

Excerpt: Well, what do ya know! The man who decided to swim all the way from Wuhan to the Shanghai Expo (a 1200 kilometer journey) has actually made it here after 33 days… and with only minimal signs of becoming sick from the water pollution.

Are these built-in-a-day pavilions China’s future?

Excerpt: The Broad Pavilion, one of the 17 corporate pavilions at the Shanghai Expo, may not get nearly the amount of attention that any of the international pavilions command, but much more than them, it may represent the future of China.

The entirety of my writings at are archived here.