APR 2018 "Dior Puts Youth Before Tradition at Haute Couture Shanghai Show"

APR 2018 "Dior Puts Youth Before Tradition at Haute Couture Shanghai Show"

Published in: Jingdaily.com
Publish Date: April 15, 2018
Category: China, Fashion, Luxury Markets
Link: https://jingdaily.com/dior-youth-haute-couture-shanghai-show/

Dior Prioritizes Youth at Haute Couture Shanghai Show | Jing Daily
In touchier times, the brand might have been lampooned for its lazy, pandering use of the color red, or a striking similarity to Japanese imperialist imagery. Now, its young fanbase are more interested in Dior’s celebrity friends.

"Perhaps reflecting the same perceived shallowness of their ambassador choices, a week after the show, the only media attention the house has garnered from it has come from the KOLs and media Dior brought to the show. Prominent fashion bloggers have been mostly silent on both the issue and the Dior show at large."

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